Monday, August 11, 2008

five kinds of People

i just realize how i too can be discriminating... i was actually just thinking of a topic for today's post and suddenly i thought of this: five kinds of people.

i basically group acquaintances into 3 categories: the positive, the neutral, and the negative. the latter two are self-explanatory. the neutral, obviously, don't have a positive or negative impact on me. and the negative have... a negative impact. (duh?)

the positive category is, however, more detailed than that. that is, there are people who:
i like talking to,
i like seeing function, and
i like being with.

among the people who fit in the positive category, the people i like talking to are most common. the people i like seeing function come second. these people are not very good to talk to, neither very nice to be with, but, looking from a far, astound me. it's like they are beautiful sculptures from a far, but, upon seeing their most detailed features, crevices, and whatnot, appall me. and, lastly and most amusing is, so far in my life, i've only had ONE person xx xxx xxxxxxxx xxx i like being with...

hah! talk about choosy.